Basement Excavation
We have always taken pride in our reputation. One of our reputations trademarks is the accuracy of our excavations. Our customers understand how costs can get out of control if a basement is out of tolerance. We ensure each basement to be so close to perfect which allows the foundation contractor to install the footings in a timely manner and without the additional costs associated with material and labor. It is very important to us to have the site easily accessible for concrete trucks to pour efficiently. We will prepare a safe hole and the site will be neat when we are finished. Many times we are complimented on our finished product. Our goal is to closely communicate with the foundation contractor and customer so the job can be completed as quickly as possible.
Soil structure is important and we understand the limitations and know when a soil(s) engineer is required. Our experience in remediation of bad/poor soil structure helps in making the most appropriate recommendation for resolving the condition. Many times the suggestions and ideas from our team result in an elevation change due to a water table, drainage issue, or even a better location for the septic system itself. Our team is always looking for ways to enhance the finished product.
One feature that has become popular in today’s economy is finishing the basement of an existing home to increase the usable living space. We have managed projects like these from start to finish.

Did you know that you can covert a daylight basement window into a walkout? Our team can provide you with excavation and foundation walls to address frost protection, which may also offer an area for other features like:
- Hot Tubs
- Patios
- Grills
- Gardens
- Privacy Wall
Endless options
Updating your home to include a daylight, egress or walkout basement conversion requires;
* Excavations, removal of soils, cutting the existing wall, installation of a proper drainage system, and re-landscaping the area. Click here for the services page…